Saturday, July 31, 2010

Last month in school with them! Will miss them lots!
i'm luckily to have great friends and they help me alot thru out this 10months of hell lesson.
Thanks guys! LOve you guys lots!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Lao da going in army on monday!
All the best to you; take good care of yourself. And don't become GAY! haha
Awesome Night with Edmund, Siyang and jingyi!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

AGNES is here (:

Agnes's house view (: niceee

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Finally ^^

Finally i get to meet YT! Super long never meet her. i think nearly 1year never see her due to her school work and project. Luckily she is still the same, nothing changes and she is fine too.
I got a long list of people need to meet! I will try to make myself free and meet up with them.
Wen's sister, Agnes, is coming to Singapore to study. Shall bring her around Singapore to shop and buy lots of Charles and Kieth shoes! Her FAV. brand (:

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Meet up with Jy for dinner at tampines. Before meeting her, i went to chinatown to get her and me a cup of KOI (: It's always out favourite drink!
Dinner at Pepper Lunch! I gave her a Burberry tshirt as her birthday present. As she haunted me to buy her a tshirt for her present when i went to bandung.
Meeting up was good! lots to catch up since i left sg for 11days!
sorry girl didn't get to celebrate your birthday with you!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

exchange gift day!

I went to find my cousin so i can see didi. Bought her some beer from DFS. Didi, you are so cute!
our class today is like exchange present day. Because we brought back some food from different country and give it among ourselves. It's so good to have international student, lots of different thing to know. Thanks guys (:

My cousin fridge contain this chocolate! super nice from japan!

baobao go hongkong disney (:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010